

MAY 2020
- SUNDAY 10th:

At Can Flow – Campos

It’s a pleasure to be able to share again with you the space of meditation.

Give your body a day to enter into meditation and self know. Give yourself a day of silence in nature with healthy food and great people.

The day will start at 8.30am and will finish at 8pm.

During the day we will practice different types of meditation technics. In total we will do 6 meditations during the whole day, 3 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon. We will have breaks during each meditation to enjoy the space and silence of Can Flow.

This meditation day is open to everyone, kids are welcome. If the kid is older than 8 years he has to come with the intention to participate in some of the meditations. There has to be a father or caretaker with the kid at all time.

- Date: Sunday 10th of May 2020
- Things to bring: comfortable cloth (an extra cloth, we will sweat a bit), a shall, a meditation pillow, a towel and a bottle of wáter.
- Total Price is 60€ for the whole day and it includes breakfast, lunch and teabreak. (you can come a half day for 40€). Its requiered to make a deposit of the 50% non refundable.

- Place: Can Flow, 5km from Campos, ask for ubications.
- Facilitates: Sarjan Surya Nolla

+INFO: +34 653 207963 (whatsApp)

JULY 2020
- SUNDAY 26th:

- SUNDAY 23rd:




Craniosacral Biodynamics is a subtle and non-intrusive work, in which there is no need to undress and no oil is used.

The purpose of a session of Craniosacral Biodynamics is to support and cooperate with the inherent Health of our body.

Our body, like every living being, has its own capacity for self-healing and self-regulation. Our Health resides in the memory of each one of our cells. This Health is expressed in our body through subtle movements called "tides". These tides are perceived through tissues, fluids and potency of the body, also known as Primary Respiration. This respiration is at a cellular level and it is primary because it is anterior to the pulmonary, the pulmonary would be secondary since it happens once we are born and we begin to breathe through our lungs inhaling and exhaling oxygen. The Primary Respiration happens in a unitary and harmonic way in unison throughout our body.

The operator or therapist, opts to cooperate with this Primary Respiration and allow it to make the necessary corrections that the  system needs, thus allowing the nervous system and all systems related to it (endocrine, circulatory, respiratory , digestive, etc.) self-regulate. This is achieved by subtle contact with the hands, in specific and educated positions in different parts of the body, head, sacrum, feet, spine and diaphragms, together with a space of meditative awareness and sensitivity. All this invites you to a space of deep relaxation, in which your body system is oriented towards its self-healing memory.

Craniosacral in Biodynamics also has as a result, to make the individual more aware of their own resources at all levels, which help them overcome traumatic moments, stress and illness in their daily life.

"I try to restore health. I am not trying to correct the problem. In this way, I open the doors so that the body does what it needs to do with its own life force. "
Dr. Rolling E. Becker


Craniosacral Biodynamics is a therapy that will especially help you to connect with your essence and with the perception of your body from a more holistic point of view and will teach you how to perceive what is going well in your body and how to enhance it.

Despite being a subtle and non-intrusive work, it will help you to improve various dysfunctions and pathologies, especially the regulation and discharge of your central nervous system, which will cause that the rest of the systems will regulate and the pathologies will slowly disappear in it’s due time. Remember that it will be your own body that is making the corrections and adjustments, so the results may be noticeable in the long term, since your body needs a time of integration and settlement in its new relationship with its internal tissues and fluids.


Over the years it has been proven that Craniosacral Biodynamics helps improve several dysfunctions, here some of them:


BABIES: Birth traumas. In case of cesarean delivery, it completes the natural process of massage, compression and expansion of bones and organs.
CHILDREN: Autism, learning problems, nervousness, hyperactivity.
WOMEN: Difficult pregnancy, postpartum, menstrual disturbances, symptomatology of menopause.
ELDERS: Insomnia, depression, chronic pain.
FOR ALL: Sequelae of accidents, postoperative, persistent symptomatology (headaches, sciatica, lumbago, scoliosis, etc.), functional disturbances (digestive, nervousness, jaw, ear and eye problems).


Craniosacral Biodynamics is a good method to help babies and children improve and restore their Health.

It is known that in our embryonic stage of pregnancy in the womb of our mother, we already perceive and can begin to accumulate tensions according to the process of pregnancy and the state of the mother on a physical, emotional and mental level.

Birth is the next process in which we accumulate and experience, tension and stress, depending on how our delivery has been.

Craniosacral sessions for newborns and children, help in a subtle and non-intrusive way, to release those accumulated tensions in all those processes that we have been experiencing.

"Dr. Viola Fryman, an Osteopathic Pediatric Craniosacral Surgeon known all over the world, did a study in a hospital with 1250 children, in which half of the children received craniosacral therapy and the other half did not receive it. The result was that all children should receive preventive craniosacral therapy " Source: Article written by Mª Ángeles Paredes

It has been proven that when we cooperate with the Primary Respiration of a baby, we maximize its capacity to release tension and its vitality.

Craniosacral therapy helps when the birth has been with: forceps, caesarean, premature, cord return, suckers, buttocks, incorrect positioning, etc ...

It can also help in: infant colic, regurgitation, constipation, congenital torticollis, dislocation of some limb, cranial asymmetries, irritability, suction problems, clogged tear.  

Some problems of childbirth appear at school age: hyperactivity, attention deficit, TDH, literacy problems, dyscalcium, dyslexia.


The Biodynamic Live Massage (BLM) is a personal creation. It arises from my experience and continued studies on various concepts such as the Breath of Life, Biodynamics and Craniosacral combined with various forms of massage.

It is a unifying massage, oriented towards the self-healing capacity of the human body, where we can enter a deep relaxation space in which the muscles, tendons, tissues and organs can relax and orient themselves towards their original position. This happens, not only through the contact of the operator's hands, but also through his presence, his state of attention, his orientation and awareness and knowledge of the human body.

It is a massage in which we flow with the movement of the muscle and its preferred direction, inviting the client to be part of the massage through breathing and sound, the soft and deep contact of the operator, the breathing and the sound of both, inviting the body and nervous system to release the tension that has accumulated in muscles, tendons, organs and bones.

Looking at its name BIODYNAMIC LIVE MASSAGE we define it as; MASSAGE: act of touching with hands, LIVE: living, living, living and BIODYNAMIC: Bio - Life - Dynamics - Movement. The Movement of Life.


The Indian Head Massage is a treatment as the name suggests, which focuses on massaging the head and scalp. It can be used together with meditation techniques that provide a simple way to relax.

It is a therapeutic massage of alternative medicine in which the shoulders, head, neck, face and facial areas are massaged for the purpose of manipulating energetic channels.

The objective is to clarify blockages of these energy channels that have been accumulating tension causing different typs of pain. The belief is that when the energy does not flow properly, the negative energy builds up, causing common pains, including stress, joint pain, headaches, baldness and hair loss.

Benefits of Indian Head Massage
- General feeling of well-being, calm and relaxation.
- Release of toxins from tight muscles.
- Stimulation and improvement of the circulatory and lymphatic systems.
- Improves joint mobility.
- Higher levels of alertness and concentration.
- It can also help to release and relieve.
- Headache tension.
- Ocular fatigue / eye problems.
- Tinnitus and other ear problems.
- Insomnia.
- Stiff neck and shoulders.
- Sinusitis and congestion.
- Weakening and hair loss.
- Stress on the scalp.
- Mental fatigue / anxiety / stress.

This massage is received sitting on a chair, oil is not used and there is no need to undress.